C64 Top Sid Songs

This is what people actually listen to using SidTool. Links require SidTool to function properly. Click any songtitle to launch the specified Sid in SidTool. Click songnumber for Sid Details. As the info grows, features will be added. Yes, there are all the 77k+ Sids listed here.

#PlayedPlaytime ∑TitleSubsongAuthor
1x00:323takt Music1Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:004 Time1Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas1Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas1Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas2Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas2Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas3Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas3Petr Chlud (PCH)
0x00:008Midas4Petr Chlud (PCH)
10 0x00:008Midas4Petr Chlud (PCH)
11 0x00:008Midas5Petr Chlud (PCH)
12 0x00:008Midas5Petr Chlud (PCH)
13 0x00:008Midas6Petr Chlud (PCH)
14 0x00:008Midas6Petr Chlud (PCH)
15 0x00:008Midas7Petr Chlud (PCH)
16 0x00:008Midas7Petr Chlud (PCH)
17 0x00:008Midas8Petr Chlud (PCH)
18 0x00:008Midas8Petr Chlud (PCH)
19 0x00:008Midas9Petr Chlud (PCH)
20 0x00:008Midas9Petr Chlud (PCH)
21 0x00:008Midas10Petr Chlud (PCH)
22 0x00:008Midas10Petr Chlud (PCH)
23 0x00:008Midas11Petr Chlud (PCH)
24 0x00:008Midas11Petr Chlud (PCH)
25 0x00:008Midas12Petr Chlud (PCH)
26 0x00:008Midas12Petr Chlud (PCH)
27 1x00:21Africa1Petr Chlud (PCH)
28 0x00:00Aggressive1Petr Chlud (PCH)
29 1x02:27Alf1Petr Chlud (PCH)
30 0x00:00Anarchophobia1Petr Chlud (PCH)
31 0x00:00Beautiful1Petr Chlud (PCH)
32 1x00:20Bird's Talk1Petr Chlud (PCH)
33 0x00:00Call Me Please1Petr Chlud (PCH)
34 0x00:00Chachachaoseum1Petr Chlud (PCH)
35 0x00:00Chachachaoseum Short Mix1Petr Chlud (PCH)
36 0x00:00Charmania1Petr Chlud (PCH)
37 0x00:00Danger Cable1Petr Chlud (PCH)
38 0x00:00Dark Evil1Petr Chlud (PCH)
39 0x00:00Death 1.11Petr Chlud (PCH)
40 0x00:00Death 1.21Petr Chlud (PCH)
41 0x00:00Deathfile1Petr Chlud (PCH)
42 0x00:00Deathnarez1Petr Chlud (PCH)
43 0x00:00Devilsong1Petr Chlud (PCH)
44 0x00:00Distandance1Petr Chlud (PCH)
45 0x00:00Dr.Hangover 11Petr Chlud (PCH)
46 0x00:00Dr.Hangover 21Petr Chlud (PCH)
47 0x00:00Dr.Hangover 31Petr Chlud (PCH)
48 0x00:00Eye of the Tiger1Petr Chlud (PCH)
49 1x00:23Faces Twotime1Petr Chlud (PCH)
50 0x00:00Fivemax1Petr Chlud (PCH)
51 0x00:00Flashdance1Petr Chlud (PCH)
52 2x04:36Get Up and Jump1Petr Chlud (PCH)
53 20x60:09Hard(Re)Start1Petr Chlud (PCH)
54 0x00:00Hip Hap Hop1Petr Chlud (PCH)
55 0x00:00Holalila1Petr Chlud (PCH)
56 0x00:00Hory1Petr Chlud (PCH)
57 1x02:01Houpy Houp1Petr Chlud (PCH)
58 0x00:00I Am Back1Petr Chlud (PCH)
59 0x00:00I-FLI baba1Petr Chlud (PCH)
60 0x00:00Iljusa1Petr Chlud (PCH)
61 0x00:00Inception1Petr Chlud (PCH)
62 0x00:00Inception Continue1Petr Chlud (PCH)
63 0x00:00Infection1Petr Chlud (PCH)
64 0x00:00Intro KGB 181Petr Chlud (PCH)
65 0x00:00Intro KGB 191Petr Chlud (PCH)
66 0x00:00Intro KGB 201Petr Chlud (PCH)
67 0x00:00Intro KGB 231Petr Chlud (PCH)
68 0x00:00Intro KGB 271Petr Chlud (PCH)
69 0x00:00Intromusic 0011Petr Chlud (PCH)
70 1x00:30Intromusic 0021Petr Chlud (PCH)
71 1x00:31Jdou Judge!1Petr Chlud (PCH)
72 1x02:01Just One Life1Petr Chlud (PCH)
73 0x00:00Khaaos #11Petr Chlud (PCH)
74 0x00:00Macejko1Petr Chlud (PCH)
75 0x00:00Mark'Oh Remix1Petr Chlud (PCH)
76 0x00:00Maxima1Petr Chlud (PCH)
77 0x00:00Megamix1Petr Chlud (PCH)
78 0x00:00Memory Off1Petr Chlud (PCH)
79 0x00:00Metal1Petr Chlud (PCH)
80 0x00:00Metal Mania1Petr Chlud (PCH)
81 0x00:00Monastery Lite1Petr Chlud (PCH)
82 0x00:00Music Dream1Petr Chlud (PCH)
83 0x00:00Music Svatba1Petr Chlud (PCH)
84 0x00:00My Little Daughter1Petr Chlud (PCH)
85 0x00:00Nasrd 21Petr Chlud (PCH)
86 0x00:00No Limit1Petr Chlud (PCH)
87 0x00:00Nova1Petr Chlud (PCH)
88 0x00:00Nrocpop Remix1Petr Chlud (PCH)
89 0x00:00Octamaximum1Petr Chlud (PCH)
90 0x00:00Oh My Got!1Petr Chlud (PCH)
91 0x00:00Panelaky1Petr Chlud (PCH)
92 0x00:00PCH Terror1Petr Chlud (PCH)
93 0x00:00Pchooter1Petr Chlud (PCH)
94 0x00:00Pchreal1Petr Chlud (PCH)
95 0x00:00Popcorn1Petr Chlud (PCH)
96 0x00:00Quickly Made on the Place1Petr Chlud (PCH)
97 0x00:00R.I.P. 21Petr Chlud (PCH)
98 0x00:00R.U.O.K.1Petr Chlud (PCH)
99 0x00:00Rave Nilz1Petr Chlud (PCH)
100 0x00:00Sadoculture1Petr Chlud (PCH)
101 0x00:00Saysay1Petr Chlud (PCH)
102 0x00:00Shock!1Petr Chlud (PCH)
103 0x00:00Shorture (part 2)1Petr Chlud (PCH)
104 0x00:00ShowMustGoOn PCHremic1Petr Chlud (PCH)
105 0x00:00Space Dust1Petr Chlud (PCH)
106 0x00:00Speed 'n Speed1Petr Chlud (PCH)
107 0x00:00Technodream 111Petr Chlud (PCH)
108 0x00:00Technomania1Petr Chlud (PCH)
109 0x00:00TFX Test1Petr Chlud (PCH)
110 0x00:00Theme One1Petr Chlud (PCH)
111 0x00:00Track Module1Petr Chlud (PCH)
112 0x00:00Tramtarara1Petr Chlud (PCH)
113 0x00:00TV Soundtrack 71Petr Chlud (PCH)
114 0x00:00Unreal Party III1Petr Chlud (PCH)
115 0x00:00Volcano Credits1Petr Chlud (PCH)
116 1x02:01Waiting for the Future1Petr Chlud (PCH)
117 0x00:00Who Is Who?1Petr Chlud (PCH)
118 0x00:00X-Massacre1Petr Chlud (PCH)
Total: 32x75:52