User Manual

Here is a quick overview of how to get started and what else you can do using SidTool.

Before starting using SidTool, you need to download the latest HVSC and extract the archive somewhere.

When you launch SidTool for the first time, a folder selection dialog pops up, which asks you to select the folder named C64MUSIC from the extracted archive.

SidTool was built with the HVSC in mind. It will use the other folders within C64MUSIC (e.g. DOCUMENTS) to find the songlength file, which contains info on how long each song is meant to be played.

After you selected it, SidTool will search the selected folder for Sid files, displaying them in the HVSC folder view:

HVSC Folder View

On the left you can see and click the folders, any Sid files found will appear on the right. Now you can click any Sid and it starts playing.

You can resize the folder and sid list.

Right clicking a Sid in the list will open a context menu with the following options:

sidtool:// links can be used on your website, just like on the User Charts where you can click any song title to have sidtool play this song.*

Sid Info

The Sid info area will display some information of the current Sid playing for you, which are in detail:

On the right you will see a timer indicating the time the Sid has been playing (prefixed with a * if songlength override is being used) and the length of the Sid next to it.
Below you can see, which of the subsongs or soundeffects contained inside this Sid file is currently selected and (will be) playing.
You can click the << and >> buttons below to switch to the next and prev subsong.


In the center of the main window you see the STIL area. If there is any STIL information available for the selected Sid it will be displayed here, otherwise it will stay empty. Unfortunately the info is unformatted.

And finally there is the control area where you control the behaviour of how the Sids are playing:


The buttons are, from left to right, top to bottom:

You can use your multimedia keyboard buttons for Play/Pause, Next and Previous since V2.3.1. Or CTRL + Arrow keys alternatively.

Next are the shuffle buttons:

On the second row we have three playlist related buttons:

Next we see the search input field, a button to start the search (unless you prefer to just hit enter) and another button to clear the search term and restore the HVSC folders. When performing a search, SidTool searches for filenames, STIL info and inside the Sid metadata. The searchresults will be displayed in the HVSC folder view until you reset the search.

Next we come to the playlist area


The four buttons on the left side are for adding (+) the current selected song to the playlist or removing (-) the current entry from the playlist. You can sort your playlist by clicking the up and down arrow icons to move playlist entries around. Right clicking a Sid in the playlist opens a context menu which lets you rate a song 1 to 5 or play it from within the HVSC. You can also click on the colums to sort the songs.

You can resize the HVSC folder view and playlist area.

Lets take a look at the File, Options and Help menus next.

Main Menus




SidTool Options

*Please note that you may encounter "Sid not found" errors if you use a different HVSC folder/version than the one your playlist or website database is based on, as files are moved around and renamed in different versions.