SidTool 2.3.5 - 01/25

- Removed anonymous usage statistics
For now, SidTool is feature complete and, as far as I know, mostly bug free.
Thus development is ceased until further notice.

SidTool 2.3.4 - 07/24

- Fixed bug on save playlist as...
- Changes for TherapSid owners:

  - Emulators can now be started hidden, minimized or normal. When not hidden, SidTool tries to close the emulator process gracefully to prevent stuck sounds. When hidden, emulator process is killed. For normal users, hidden mode is recommended.

  - Added vsid_legacy option for TherapSid owners. Your compiled emulator should be placed in "tools\WinVICE-legacy"

- Open Website menu item now leads to updated manual

SidTool 2.3.3 - 06/24

- Search stuff. Might need more adjustments.

SidTool 2.3.2 - 02/24

- Fixed rare bug when clicking links causing sidtool run into exception loop (ht rio)

SidTool 2.3.1 - 08/23

- Added multimedia keys support
    Play/Pause, Next and Previous Key listener added. Alternative: STRG + Left, Down, Right
- Added sidplayfp support
    People say its the best emulator right now.
- Clicking links in charts no longer starts 2nd instance
    Info is stored and catched by other instance while playing (!)
- Fixed minor bug when changing subsongs and restarting song
- Download now includes SearchDB for HVSC 79

Website Database updated - 08/23

Website database has finally been updated to HVSC 79. It was still on HVSC 74 before.
Took some days to write the HVSC update parser. However, new updates will be much faster in the future.

SidTool 2.3.0 - 07/23

I recently learned, SidTool can be used to control SIDStation, MidiboxSID or TherapSID
via vsid for playback using a special Vice version! (I can't tell more, I don't own any SID hardware.)

I also hear people get it running on Linux using Wine.

Added user requested features (ht rio rattenrudel)
- New Contextmenu to open Playlist song in HVSC

- Added new Playlist columns: Release info & Sid Model:
   => Please backup your playlists just in case!

Also changed/added:
- Fixed issue with default playtime/override playtime/songlength.md5
    Now works as expected. Overridden playtime is now indicated by a *
- Added option to rate playlist songs 1 to 5
    Just to help you get your playlist sorted somehow.
- Sidtool.ini back in sidtool folder.
    If you ever encounter any issues, just delete it.
- Added option to ignore time settings when using playlist
    When enabled, any override playtime is ignored and songlenth info is used for playlist.
- Added search on
- Fixed issue where Search DB wasn't properly used
- Search DB loaded into RAM on startup now
- Fixed wrong shuffle icon and button behaviour.
- Added normal "Save" button
- Added Sid & Playlist name to window title
- Added option to memorize a Sid (e.g. prior searching)
- Edge case & Bugfixes